

You are viewing stuff tagged with hygiene.

Guy in the Library

I just have to write this right now: there’s a guy in the library who comes in here and just sits there and burps to himself. I mean COME ON. This is bunk. He needs some medication, or to NOT EAT before he comes in the library. Luckily, I’ve got Jónsi rocking on the iTunes, so the burps just barely penetrate the heavenly, joyful melodies I’m enjoying. Here, try the song Hengilás.

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Tampon Advertising

I like the Guardian (and other newspapers) because they don’t censor swear words. Check out how great that makes the quote in a quote from the article “Tampon-makers can’t mention the V-word. Period. | Richard Adams”:


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Haircut 2010

I ended up growing out my hair for about nine months between June of 2009 and March of 2010. I’ve only a picture of my hair 8 months into the growth… it shows my hair just before it got so long that I couldn’t do much of anything useful (including see through it):



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Bamboo fabric

While taking a shower this morning, I was reading the fabric content of our wedding-gift washcloths. 70% cotton. 30% bamboo. Bamboo? Interesting. According to Wikipedia, bamboo fabric is:

  1. Naturally antibacterial
  2. Capable of absorbing 50% more water than cotton
  3. Doesn’t build up a static charge


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Jumping to Conclusions is Dangerous

I’d like to issue an apology to the rather frumpy student at the cafeteria who I made some incorrect assumptions about. I assumed that a rather unpleasant cocktail of body-odor type smells issuing from his general vicinity were due solely to his presence. However, I later found out that it was a unique combination of brocolli, cauliflower, vinaigrette, and (possibly moldy) bleu cheese dressing that were the source of the most unsavory and (un)surprisingly BO type smell.


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Words and Soap

Recently, I ran out of soap while taking a shower. That’s a bummer, because you think you can accomplish one thing (getting clean), yet you manage to fail at it. I guess the soapy water I rinsed the bottle out with counted as soap. But that isn’t what this post is about. It is, interestingly enough, random poem time. Bad poetry is extremely easy. Good poetry is extremely difficult. I’ll settle for middling here.


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I was thinking I would state what this post is all about “right out” at the beginning of this post, but then I realized it would be better to get as much fun out of this as possible, leading you guys down the dramatic pathway of blog posting. (Well, dramatic pathway/trail/byway/highway/beltway is a bit of a stretch seeing as this blog never has been all that dramatic in the first place. It would be rather presumptuous of me to suddenly assume my mediocre writing could elicit the emotion of drama in your collective hearts. Work with me here.) I’ve also been thinking how to best phrase this post, because the subject dealt with here is a rather sensitive one. I’ll try to walk the line here and make this work.


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Stoplight of Personal Care Products

Stoplight of Personal Care Products

My best title for an image yet.

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Odiferous Birthday Shopping

Odiferous Birthday Shopping

I think these perfume sample cards have some great examples of graphic (and material) design. Very succinct, yet impactful branding. Plus, they get the bonus of having the product sprayed on them - very good selling tool. These were used in the quest for Katy’s birthday gift.

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Polo Black by Ralph Lauren

Polo Black by Ralph Lauren - Anybody want to buy this for me?

Toy Story Kleenex

Toy Story Kleenex

I love these Disney inspired Kleenex boxes.

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Flushing Policies and Common Courtesy

The Cretin bathroom has four toilets: 2 urinals and 2 stalls. In the years past, people doing urinal-type activities in the stalls was not a problem: people flushed. This year, however, has been different. I noticed an unusual change: somebody was following the “if it’s yellow, let it mellow” policy. While this can “reduce your total household water usage by 20 - 25% if moderately applied” (source: 7th Generation), I sincerely doubt that the mystery mellower came from some water-starved desert area. Regardless, today I found out who was perpetrating this moderately smelly and unpleasant act.


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Hair Washing

What a bizarre thought that passed through my head but … does everyone wash their hair second in the shower? What I mean is, I always wash myself first, and then wash my hair. It has always made sense to do things that way, but it’s one of those things in life that just makes you wonder, do I have any compelling reason (heck, any reason at all) to do it this way? Do other people think it sacrilege to wash hair first? Honestly, though, I hope there aren’t too many things in my life that I do simply because I have always done them that way, it would be an “unexamined life,” to quote Socrates. I do things like drive on the right side of the road not on the left, sleep at night not during the day, and wear socks with shoes all for very good reasons … I guess I will try to make sure I have reasons for most everything.


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Hair (Cut)

The idea was not to grow out my hair. Seven months ago (during my last haircut), I did not think it would be spring before I cut the locks springing from my skull. That said, fall gave way to winter, which began to yield to spring, and during that time my hair continued to grow, unaccosted by the barber’s shears/scissors. The resulting forest/afro of hair got rather curly in the end.


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Lethal Weapon

The problem is this: I keep hoping that if I grow out my hair a little longer, something will happen that will give it some style until I cut it off for spring and summer, as I love to have short hair during the summer weather. In the meantime, I am losing hope for my hair. It is most certainly not “feathered and dangerous” as in Dodgeball … heck it looks like a bird’s nest on top of my head (part of the reason for cutting it before the spring nesting season). So, here I am, trying to decide what to do when it looks a bit like Mel Gibson’s hair back in the day - not quite as long, but it certainly has the weird out of controlness behind the ears. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying I look like Mel Gibson - because that’s weird and not what I am striving for.


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