
Jumping to Conclusions is Dangerous

I’d like to issue an apology to the rather frumpy student at the cafeteria who I made some incorrect assumptions about. I assumed that a rather unpleasant cocktail of body-odor type smells issuing from his general vicinity were due solely to his presence. However, I later found out that it was a unique combination of brocolli, cauliflower, vinaigrette, and (possibly moldy) bleu cheese dressing that were the source of the most unsavory and (un)surprisingly BO type smell.

Though I do not know who you are, and though I kept my incorrect and scurrilous assumptions to myself, I feel that I have come to know you better Mr. Random Cafeteria Guy. Freed from the shackles of reckless and uninformed prejudices and with a greater understanding of your hygiene, I feel empowered to think better of my fellow man, and of you.

1 comment left


John T F Larson

It sounds like someone has been using the "Jump to Conclusions mat."

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