

You are viewing stuff tagged with comedies.

Movie: Dodgeball

I generally like the movies Ben Stiller is in. He can be over the top as in Zoolander, but when he needs to be (as in Meet the Parents) he’s believably funny. He mixes those two together in this mostly-hit but sometime major-miss movie about dodgeball. It’s a good movie for any gathering of people under 25 … and it would be much more classic if they dropped the sexual orientation humor around the chracter Kate. Seriously … they could have pulled all that, put in a couple more funny jokes (it’s obvious they had the writers to do so), and improved the staying power of the movie tremendously.


Movie: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

I loved the off-beat sense of humor in this movie, which definitely indicates it is true to the book. Though, there is a definite sense of the movie attempting to cram in all of the events in the book into a movie that just can’t accomodate it. Not having read the book, I still got the sense that there were undercurrents of humor that were shoehorned in to appease those that had read the book, but which fell flat when deflated in an attempt to fit them in.


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Movie: Haiku Tunnel

We described it was a “poor man’s ‘Office Space’” or “an indie ‘Office Space’” and frankly I liked the movie. Also, I guess yellow Post-It notes equal an office, because that visual cue is used on both DVD covers of these two movies. Anyhow, I think Haiku Tunnel had a little more meaning to it and fewer pieces dumbed down humor than Office Space. It’s got some hard-to-pinpoint rough edges that always seem to show up in Sundance films (and are more obvious in the comedies, for some reason), but none were too distracting.


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The Forty Year Old Virgin

This movie was so dirty. Holy man. I know I would have been squirming constantly if I had seen it near anybody 5 or more years older than myself. Or younger. Given that, it was relentlessly funny. The only issue with the humor was going into it expecting so much. I mean, this is Brick, in a starring role. It was one of those “i’m laughing but it might just be because I want to think this is funny things” at the beginning of the movie. Then, I stopped thinking of my expectations and just laughed.


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