
Movie: Dodgeball

I generally like the movies Ben Stiller is in. He can be over the top as in Zoolander, but when he needs to be (as in Meet the Parents) he’s believably funny. He mixes those two together in this mostly-hit but sometime major-miss movie about dodgeball. It’s a good movie for any gathering of people under 25 … and it would be much more classic if they dropped the sexual orientation humor around the chracter Kate. Seriously … they could have pulled all that, put in a couple more funny jokes (it’s obvious they had the writers to do so), and improved the staying power of the movie tremendously.

That said, this is still a very funny, silly movie. Vince Vaughn is just warming up for the lightening delivery he brings out in the movie Wedding Crashers. Lance Armstrong’s cameo is funny, defining the “random non-actor” genre for cameos.

Peter La Fleur: Hang on a second. You wanna become a cheerleader to prove you are not a loser?
Justin: Yeah. Why?
Peter La Fleur: Nothing. High school’s changed a bit since I was a kid.

White Goodman: Donde esta la biblioteca, Pedro?
Peter La Fleur: What?

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