
Movie: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

I loved the off-beat sense of humor in this movie, which definitely indicates it is true to the book. Though, there is a definite sense of the movie attempting to cram in all of the events in the book into a movie that just can’t accomodate it. Not having read the book, I still got the sense that there were undercurrents of humor that were shoehorned in to appease those that had read the book, but which fell flat when deflated in an attempt to fit them in.

An interesting note: I thoroughly enjoyed the graphic design/user interface of the actual hitchhiker book when shown in the movie … I think that concept really came alive when put on screen in a sleek and futuristic way that is difficult to write. This, of course, didn’t make up for the other shortcomings mentioned above, but it is a testament to the movie maker’s committment to bringing this book to life. Also, I liked the narrator. Very good.

I’d recommend this if you want to convince someone to read the book. Good for a group of people who like puns and the absurd … if you like Monty Python’s Holy Grail, you’d like this.

3 comments left


Richard Roche

You haven't read the book?!?! Wow, you really need to, it is so your type of humor. The movie, although funny in it's own way, only gives hints to the type of humor that the book is full of. You really can't be considered an official nerd unless you go around quoting lines from the book.


My feelings on the movie were much like yours Alex. I enjoyed the humor (especially Sam Rockwell's character who, by the way, seemed almost Phil Thompson-ish) but also thought that the 2 hour running time of the film could not do such a complicated story/book justice. They should have narrowed down on certain elements, but as a whole, I enjoyed it. There were also a few actors from "Love Actually" who had larger roles in this film, like the lead guy. He has a good dry sense of humor. Anywho, glad to see you updating again, try to keep this up. Adios

Alexander Micek

If I read it, then I'll be able to say "don't panic" and do that inside geek laugh.

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