
Movie: Haiku Tunnel

We described it was a “poor man’s ‘Office Space’” or “an indie ‘Office Space’” and frankly I liked the movie. Also, I guess yellow Post-It notes equal an office, because that visual cue is used on both DVD covers of these two movies. Anyhow, I think Haiku Tunnel had a little more meaning to it and fewer pieces dumbed down humor than Office Space. It’s got some hard-to-pinpoint rough edges that always seem to show up in Sundance films (and are more obvious in the comedies, for some reason), but none were too distracting.

Just to get this out of the way, there’s an awesome scene in the outtakes on the DVD of this 50-something guy wearing headphones doing some manic rocking out. Does anyone know the name of that outtake? It is hilarious. Seriously. That outtake showcases the movies impeccable soundtrack and genuinely funny comedy.

I think the movie is off the beaten path, giving us a comedy with decidedly unattractive stars who force you to think about what’s going on onscreen rather than their idealization of a 20-something in the office world. That being the second time I’ve used the “number-something” expression in this review, I have decided it’s time to cut this review down. One last thing: I recommend this movie for more winter weather and not summer weather - it has to do with the energy of it. Enjoy it while it’s cold!

1 comment left


Andy Markoe

That is a great movie " are you ready to go perm josh"

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