

Today’s word of the day is “malingerer.” This is someone who “exaggerates or feigns illness in order to escape duty or work.” Today’s sunny weather of 76°F makes it an almost ideal time to be a malingerer. Good luck to you!

8 comments left



Is there a picture of me on there? I asked them to take that off.. :)

I was very tempted to participate in inemuri today!

Alexander Micek

You should’ve! Inemuri is a pastime I fully, completely endorse. It’s like, well it is, a hobby you can’t fail at — the worst that happens is you wake up.

Or get caught.

But the risky thrill is worth it, too. Dznger! Ooooo.

Alexander Micek



We have one of those people at work… a malingerer.

Alexander Micek

Update: a few people in my dental class were practicing inemuri today. Interesting.


In a few years can you remind me who that was and make sure I don’t choose this cool new dentist that might pop up in my area? Thanks!

Dan McKeown

A quick aside before I go for a little siesta, Target’s blue coat filter has identified <tumbledry.org> to be a site containing “arts/entertainment” and requires me to enter my password to access. Seems like an electronic compliment of sorts.

Alexander Micek

I will indeed remind anyone who needs to know who the inemuri-ers of the class are.

And hey! Arts and entertainment! I’ll take that. Can you still access this space from work?

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