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Word of the day: phenology:

Phenology is the study of periodic plant and animal life cycle events and how these are influenced by seasonal and interannual variations in climate.

It turns out that phenology rose to prominence amongst scientists in the early 1700s and then took off as a general pastime in the mid-1800s. What better way to show off your wealth (I’m not so busy that I must always work) and interest in science (I am recording numbers) than to help other scientists track the data underlying the seasons? But then:


Beauty synonym

Just learned a word I have absolutely never heard before. Pulchritude, meaning beauty. Attempts to pronounce it begin now.


Today’s word of the day is “malingerer.” This is someone who “exaggerates or feigns illness in order to escape duty or work.” Today’s sunny weather of 76°F makes it an almost ideal time to be a malingerer. Good luck to you!

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Word of the day: aquitard

Word of the day: aquitard - This word just made me laugh out loud.

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Word of the Day: glomp

Word of the Day: glomp - “… in the grey area between a caring embrace, and a flying leap to tackle someone.” Now, glomp is certainly a good word, and I will use it more in the future. However, the word “spudger” also came to my attention tonight. It doesn’t scratch plastic or metal, so you can pry apart really awesome computers with it.

Cool word of the day: cowling

Cool word of the day: cowling - Impress your friends!