


The plastic sure is a distraction. Plus, it looks as though someone took a bite out of the chip, even though it is in a sealed bag.

Lens at 40mm, ISO 1600, ƒ/5, 1/60s
Snapped Sep 13, 2007 at 6:21pm

4 comments left


Dan McKeown

Perhaps some joker at the chip factory actually did take a small bite out of one of the chips. Myself, I do not bite those types of chips, I eat them whole.

Mykala +2

I prefer to say “jokester,” (much like “trickster”) although I’m confident it’s completely slang/something my friends and I starting saying back in high school. Still. It’s better, I think.

Alexander Micek


Dan McKeown

Alright, lets compromise and just call them Chipping Hooligans (do you see the play on words I have going there?).