
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

CNN is guilty of massively weird/overblown/tabloid-like headlines on their front page. Small pockets of people noticed this, discussed it, and then a formalized effort was made to point out the stupidest and least news worthy headlines. And so WTFCNN? was born. Here are some of their highlights from the past week:

The second to the last headline is the strangest to me. It’s written like a 13 year old on a random MySpace page (wait, that was me, except with this website, 8 years ago). But at that time, as far as I know, I was not penning headlines for CNN.com’s frontpage. Anyhow, I’ve saved one of the best headlines for last. This is real. This appeared on CNN.com’s frontpage.

4 comments left


Nils +1

CNN is retarded. I don’t like their newscasting techniques, but I don’t know of any easier way of getting the latest news online. Is there a great news site out there that you guys know about? I would love to find a new one to depend on. Help me out!

Dan McKeown

I personally use <bbc.co.uk> for my news needs. They have a North America option if you are worried about only recieving news from accross the pond. I like to compare the top headlines from each if I ever need a reminder as to how much CNN sucks. Tonights is not as great but I might as well share:


China, Russia in ‘Weapons Breach’ Amnesty accuses China and Russia of supplying arms being used in Darfur, in breach of a UN arms embargo.


Governor: Equipment for tornado cleanup is in Iraq

Oh, and go see Hot Fuzz as long as I am on this Anglophile diatribe.


Sweet tips guys. Goodbye CNN and good riddance. Also, I just recently came to understand the meaning of this article’s title. Brilliant, Alex. Brilliant.

Another side note: I have yet to see Hot Fuzz but OY! I still really want to. Damn it school!

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