

I have a nice RA here in Morrison Hall, and I don’t mean to criticize him with this post, but I must point out an unintentional (subconscious?) commentary he made with a typo of his. You see, RA’s are held responsible by the University to put up door decorations and generally make the hall look lived in with personable posters, discussion boards, etc. These are most effective in the more jail-type floorplans of the underclassmen dorms. I’ve seen some women RAs really shine at this floor decoration thing. However, we are in upper class apartments here in Morrison, and we’re guys … so the door dec/floor decoration thing kind of falls apart. Now, my RA put up some posters at the beginning of the year, with some thoughtful motivational words next to them. They’ve hung there since September, and I’ve seen them every day I’ve been here.

Today, however, I noticed a typo on one poster, whose purpose is to warn against debauchery and encourage studious behavior:

“With great power comes great RESPONSIBILITY

Enjoy yourself, but be weary of what you do.


UPDATE: Fixed my improper possessive. Poor English, Alex!

5 comments left


Richard Roche

i don’t get it, someone explain :(

Stevo +1

Seems the intent was “be wary of what you do”… as opposed to the tiresome job of having fun…

Dan McKeown

I get weary being an RA, Freudian slip perhaps?


While we’re pointing out typos… “RA’s” is possessive. I think you want “RAs.” But yeah, the lady RAs really should go ahead and do all the door decs. Though Dan and I put up some winners in our time. And then once, I gave him a Freudian slip.

Dan McKeown +1

One day my resident saw a man get hit on a bike and he flew up about 10 feet in the air landing on his head on the car that hit him and he jumped up and yelled at the driver of the car. Then he sat down because he was bleeding from the face and my resident stayed with him until paramedics got there. That is a story of an accident as well.

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