
Movie: Over the Hedge

Over the Hedge has a scene in it that made me cry tears of laughter. I was absolutely in stitches during it. Thing is, my favorite scene is not my usual physical comedy (of which the movie is chock full of brilliant set-ups and take-downs), but a brilliant twist on an idea. I’ve already told Matt, Steve, John, Erin, and Dan what this scene is … and I fear I may have ruined its impact in doing so. SO, here we go … if you (1) forgot which scene I said was my favorite or (2) never heard which scene it was in the first place, and (3) have seen the movie … do try and guess which scene I am talking about. I’ll be sure to leave a comment about it after more of you have had the chance to see the movie. And see the movie you will. I rather mistakenly said “if you do not see the movie, I will take you and pay for you to see it.” Some threat.

Anyhow, turns out I am completely eschewing the traditional movie review format to simply say: it is a good movie, such that I would even consider buying it, which I never do with movies.”

An interesting aside: one of the main characters in the movie, the turtle Verne, is voiced by the comedian Garry Shandling, who was just on Jay Leno tonight. I have to admit, Mr. Shandling gave one of the funniest late-night interviews I have ever seen. Here’s a quote: “I honestly just don’t want to talk about anything right now.” Or how about: to audience “You know, I know Jay in real life and its so strange to pretend to have this conversation here. Why are you sitting behind a desk? I don’t see any office work getting done behind that desk.” My favorite: “I really don’t feel like you are my friend right now, Jay.”

I like laughing.

5 comments left



I miss seeing other late night shows. Conan is by far my favorite, Leno gets second, and Letterman has a distant third. Letterman is a poor interviewer and his show rarely makes me laugh. And worst of all, Norway only airs Letterman on the public broadcast channles, of which there are four. The redeeming factor of this is that the government run NRK channel runs really good movies on a regular basis, they don't chop them up with commercials, AND they show the movie in it's original aspect ratio and don't cut and pan like on every televised American movie.

That said, I saw the trailer for Over the Hedge, and it looks pretty good.


I really like how the "comments I have missed" are divided by topic now. It is exactly what I wanted! Not related to this post, but oh well!


Does anyone else appreciate the irony involved in her post?

Dan McKeown

Yes, I chuckled.


Where's the irony? I don't get it.

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