Without the two longish pieces of hair hanging down by my face, I feel that it looks as though I have the same haircut as Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys… which is nice.
Coming back to my comment, I think that it may have sounded offensive. I meant it in the best possible way - like you know you are better than stupid Nick and that you are wonderfully womanly and not man-like.
Dan McKeown
and apparently gray, what a strange hue
yeah, you really are. (awesome that is)
Alexander Micek
Thanks! We're tryin'. =-)
Without the two longish pieces of hair hanging down by my face, I feel that it looks as though I have the same haircut as Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys… which is nice.
As displayed here: http://www.teenidols4you.com/thumb/Singers/nickc/bw2.gif
Alexander Micek
lol. hmm a bit of a resemblance. but i believe you are OK with that. =-)
Alexander Micek
Coming back to my comment, I think that it may have sounded offensive. I meant it in the best possible way - like you know you are better than stupid Nick and that you are wonderfully womanly and not man-like.