
(anti-spam-bcc:) Recent Downtime

In a random act of server-updating initiated by the powers that be (over whom I have no control) tumbledry experienced some unscheduled downtime. My most sincere apologies. I will redouble my “UpTime Monitoring” (which consists of visiting the site and making sure it loads; pretty scientific eh?) efforts. The database that tracks all you visitors got corrupted by some process unknown to me. Thankfully, I had a backup copy from right after the 2000% hit increase incident from about a month ago. Zeus be praised! (Note to self: research before referencing pagan gods). (Second note to self: burn some old notes). (Final note: | Re: rambling | Message Body: stop).

Right, sorry. I am proud to say tumble is now part of k10k.net’s ondisplay exhibition. I leave it up to you to find this on the site, because k10k is something very worth exploring.

Girl. She’s in my Shakespeare class. Yes, she’s the one that is “so good looking I want to slam my face into a door.” What to do? CSS does not seem to help interpersonal relationships. Furthermore, (and obviously so) the ability to set up a dynamic website has no bearing on one’s ability to meet women - if anything, it’s a liability, not an asset. I need a musigeekathletfriend. Then there’s the young woman in Java …

For some reason, I’m attracted to dark eye makeup. And iridescent lip gloss. Mmm. Not necessarily together.

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