
Good Morning, Vietnam

Some people make you feel like a million bucks. Others make you feel like some old dollar bill that has been torn up into little pieces, thrown into the street, rolled in mud, and then carefully pieced back together and dried off just so it could be soaked in gasoline and burned up.

I found a piece of Trident gum on the ground. It was fully wrapped and looked pretty clean. I’m really craving gum so I am trying to decide if I should chew it or not. Thoughts would be appreciated. Currently, I am leaning towards chewing it. Gum is gum, I doubt it has been poisoned. Although, there is a small chance it has been poisoned. In this case, death could result.

These coming days: schedule ortho/endo visits, Java, Shakespeare, Calc III, schedule appointment for summer class scheduling, and perhaps the original secret mission will be taken up to North campus and Dowling (and no, I’m not kidding).

From the Matt’s Got Funny Links department comes a man who counter-scammed a scammer. Great read. Scammer gets scammed.

Furthermore, I would really like to buy The Elements of Typographic Style - typography is such a fascinating field. Which brings us to the Operina font, inspired by “a 16th-century lettering model of the scribe Ludovico degli Arrighi.” It is, in a word, beautiful. Moving on to random humor would be Tamanimals. I don’t get it - but it is so very much fun. Back to the theme of typography and we get this link. It is font-based animations with music; quite mesmerizing. I would recommend visiting the Garamond page (Bob Dylan’s “Don’t Think Twice”), the Century Gothic page (Jose Feliciano), and the Book Antiqua page (Beatles). Tell me what you think.

Typography to photography. I’ve been looking into making a pinhole camera. Plus, I am about to finish off this Oatmeal round, one of the requirements for creating a camera. Apparently, the easiest thing to do is to use a simple Polaroid backend. With pinholes, the camera has to be loaded and the film developed in a dark room. Using the Polaroid backs would help avoid messy development, but then I wouldn’t have negatives. Obviously, I still have plenty of learning to do. Why the sudden interest? I was, of course, inspired by someone. That would be Heather Champ.

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