
Do, Do Not

If you happen to be cooking a delicious chicken burger from Trader Joe’s on your stove top in your apartment, and you remove it from the pan in which it was cooking, you should make sure that you turn off the gas on the hot pan. If, in the event that you forget to do this, you should not panic upon realizing that the heat has been on an empty pan, and then pour water into the pan. This action will fill your apartment with incredible amounts of (admittedly delicious smelling) chicken smoke. You should, however, DEFINITELY OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS you can get to, turn on a vent fan, and hope to everything that is good in the world that your smoke alarm doesn’t go off.


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Meatloaf Appreciation

National Meatloaf Appreciation Day is today. Perhaps you’d like to know more?

You may recall that we declared today National Meatloaf Appreciation Day to celebrate the unique combination of comfort and innovation that meatloaf embodies. We asked readers—and the Serious Eats team—to make a meatloaf, document the process and share their results.




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Megnut and the mean chocolate chip cookie

Megnut and the mean chocolate chip cookie - Recipe generated by averaging a dozen other chocolate chip cookie recipes.

Slashfood’s best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Slashfood’s best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches - I should at least try fluffernutters.

Using an iron to cook

Using an iron to cook - The most innovative hot dog preparation I have seen.


I was going to take the time to write up a longish post with regard to the following incident during my chemistry studying last night, but it’s probably best to keep it short. I consumed warmish rancid milk with sugar and oats in it. The carton said “May 1,” but apparently this milk was not about to stay fresh up to that date … it smelled vaguely of yogurt when opened, but I thought it was OK. It then tasted a bit like flowers (and yes, I have eaten flowers, though I was much younger), with some weird yogurt flavor mixed in for good measure. It took me a good 24 hours to get the weirdness out of my stomach. Oh, the exciting life I lead.


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Cottage Cheese

Ryan notes: “I bet in France, instead of cottage cheese, they call it Château de Fromage.” That means (with apologies to Emily Lauren) approximately “Castle of the Cheese.”

I love this.

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I love cookies

I love cookies - “The Internet’s most complete selection of trusted cookie recipes and advice - including oatmeal cookie, chocolate chip cookie, and brownie recipes.” Well, obviously I have found my mecca.



Cleaning grapes Mykala’s way.

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Rudolph the Red Nosed Camel

Rudolph the Red Nosed Camel

Yay Dinner!

Yay Dinner!

Spaghetti made by Ryan, assembled by Mykala. Thanks guys!

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Make that great sandwich from Spanglish

Make that great sandwich from Spanglish



Mykala’s parents brought us back gormet s’mores from Napa.

Monkey Bread

I recently tasted the awesomeness that is Monkey Bread - and it was awesome. Given that the cinnamon sugar flavor explosion is awesome, and tastes awesome too, I thought it would be awesome to let you taste how awesome it is for yourself.

Monkey Bread

3 packages of buttermilk biscuit tubes
1 cup sugar (divided)
2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar

Take 3 packages of buttermilk biscuit tubes (10 per roll) and cut each roll into 4 pieces. Drop roll pieces into 1 cup sugar and 2 tsp. cinnamon. drop sugar coated pieces into a well buttered bundt pan (don’t squish roll pieces when placing them in the bundt pan).

Put 1/2 cup of the left over sugar/cinnamon mix and 1/2 cup packed brown sugar and 1 cup of butter (2 sticks) into small sauce pan.

Bring this mixture just to a boil, take off heat right away. Carefully drizzle over the roll pieces.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min.

Cool slightly in an upright position, then tip pan over onto a plate to remove monkey pull-apart bread.


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That First Dinner Cooking Thing

I know, I know. All of you out there are saying “I don’t live in a dorm anymore … I want something that is not caf food. In fact, I want something tasty that is not caf food. Scratch that, even: I want something tasty, easy to prepare, snackable, and moderately healthy that is not caf food.”


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Yes, I had crab from the crab for the first time. We’re not talking just the legs here. No, we’re talking mallet-pounding, whole crab decimation. Crab shrapnel flying everywhere. This stuff was fresh, less than 24 hours from the coast of Maine to the doorstep in Minnesota. I devoured three.


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Oh, indeed firsts are what make our lives. Nobody really remembers the second man who walked on the moon or the second place in elections. Who wants to be Vice President, or get the silver medal? Lance Armstrong isn’t saying “I’m going to get second in my last Tour de France.”


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