
Do, Do Not

If you happen to be cooking a delicious chicken burger from Trader Joe’s on your stove top in your apartment, and you remove it from the pan in which it was cooking, you should make sure that you turn off the gas on the hot pan. If, in the event that you forget to do this, you should not panic upon realizing that the heat has been on an empty pan, and then pour water into the pan. This action will fill your apartment with incredible amounts of (admittedly delicious smelling) chicken smoke. You should, however, DEFINITELY OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS you can get to, turn on a vent fan, and hope to everything that is good in the world that your smoke alarm doesn’t go off.

If possible, after clearing out the smoke, you should enjoy your dinner, take a nice hard workout, and then shower with the window open, so the cold air from the outdoors fills your shower with thick billowing clouds of freshly scented steam.

Just some advice.

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Kellie’s fire alarm goes off all the time when we are cooking. However, it will go off only with a minimal amount of “smoke.” In fact, I usually can’t even seen the gaseous culprit when it occurs. Fairly annoying.

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