

You are viewing stuff tagged with conanobrien.

Late Night Shake Up

Jay Leno wants to move his show to the Tonight Show’s time spot, bumping Conan a half hour into the next day (12:05). In wonderfully well-written letter, Conan O’Brien Says He Won’t Host ‘Tonight Show’ After Leno - NYTimes Media Decoder Blog:


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The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien

This is the set of Conan O’Brien’s new show, The Tonight Show.

Conan's new set in Los Angeles.

New York Times magazine recently published a quite lengthy article about Conan’s career, the prime time talk show landscape, and the forthcoming debut of the next Tonight Show on June 1, 2009. I’ll be watching. Your prognostications for the show are welcome.

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Finding Your “This”

Conan O’Brien’s commencement address at Harvard makes a pretty quick read and an excellent examination of fantastic comedy writing. In addition to functioning on the levels of entertainment and humor, the speech goes a step further: it actually inspires. This line between laughter and inspiration is particularly difficult to walk in public speaking, but Conan did so quite successfully here. I’d highly recommend reading the entire speech, but here’s my favorite part, in which Conan speaks about starting up [Late Night with Conan O’Brien] in 1993.


Conan O’Brien Quote

If you can laugh at yourself loud and hard every time you fall, people will think you’re drunk.

— Conan O’Brien, Harvard Commencement Address, 2000


This celebrity (Kyra Sedgwick) was talking on Conan a couple of nights ago about how she doesn’t understand text messaging in general, specifically the acronyms in use by today’s youth. (As a side note, I do note understand text messaging for two reasons: (1) cost of it stateside and (2) the absolutely atrociously horridly awful method for entering in words using a keypad designed for dialing numbers. Both problems have been solved over in Japan (who is generally about 14 months ahead of us in cell phone technology), so I would expect text messaging to seem like a more viable option for real communication in the next couple of years). Anyhow, this actress said that she always thought that the abbreviation “lol” stood for “lots of love.” So, she’d send a text message to her kids using the abbreviation her way. For example: “great job at the soccer game tonight! lol.”


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Tie Comparison

A bit over a month ago, I was watching an episode of Late Night with Conan O’Brien, when I noticed the tie he was wearing looked awfully familiar.

Conan's tie.

“Hey, that looks like the tie I have from Express,” I said to Mykala. She seemed to agree. The thought of being able to wear part of Conan’s wardrobe was just plain cool. A good ice breaker, even (but probably not for interviews). Imagine: “Welcome to your job interview, tell us about yourself.” “Well, I have the same tie as Conan O’Brien, that is cool.” So, soon I was able to compare Conan’s tie to my own. They don’t match.


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Conan and 1864 Baseball

Conan and 1864 Baseball - Conan’s 1800’s style taunts at the opposing team are hilarious. As is his outrageous mustache. His on location stuff is always great.

Hilarious picture of Conan

Hilarious picture of Conan - Captures the essence of the late night talk show host perfectly.

Conan does the monster mash

Conan does the monster mash - Great mashup featuring clips of Conan set to “Monster Mash.”

Genius opening skit

Genius opening skit - Goodness this is brilliant. As a fan of House, I especially like Hugh Laurie’s cameo in the skit.

Best line: “No, I did not have Conan O’Brien fall through the ceiling.”

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Conan O’Brien Sings “Trouble”

Conan O’Brien Sings “Trouble” - With a capital T and that rhymes with G as in “gee we’re screwed.”

Celebrities Playing Table Tennis

Celebrities Playing Table Tennis - Check out the one of Conan.

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A great interview with Conan O’Brien

A great interview with Conan O’Brien - It’s a two-parter, with the second avaliable here.

Things I Have Seen

A massive audience welcomes Conan O'Brien to Chicago. Come to Minneapolis, Conan!

And now, tumbledry presents things I have seen in the past couple of days. Thing 1: I saw Conan O’Brien doing his opening show of the week in Chicago. The audience was huge and almost out of control. It was like a rock concert sometimes. Mr. T gave Conan a tour of the city and other hijinks ensued. Late Night is such great television. I watched the show for longer than I had intended to, but the time was well spent. You may ask the question “why does a show go on the road” but I would counter with … why not?


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40 Minute Conan O’Brien Interview

40 Minute Conan O’Brien Interview - Fresh Air plus Conan equals wonderful radio. On the occasion of Conan O’Brien’s 10th anniversary show.