
Tie Comparison

A bit over a month ago, I was watching an episode of Late Night with Conan O’Brien, when I noticed the tie he was wearing looked awfully familiar.

Conan's tie.

“Hey, that looks like the tie I have from Express,” I said to Mykala. She seemed to agree. The thought of being able to wear part of Conan’s wardrobe was just plain cool. A good ice breaker, even (but probably not for interviews). Imagine: “Welcome to your job interview, tell us about yourself.” “Well, I have the same tie as Conan O’Brien, that is cool.” So, soon I was able to compare Conan’s tie to my own. They don’t match.

My tie.

Well, I tried. Perhaps someday Conan and myself will share the same neck wear. Until then, onward!

6 comments left


Dan McKeown

I hear that Conan has his ties made specially for every show and they are burned immediately following the end of taping.


I hear that Conan has facial reconstructive surgery after every show so he won’t be recognized and mobbed by fans in the real world.

Alexander Micek

This is most distressing. I had no idea such high technology was involved.

Dan McKeown

Hey, why did my other post get deleted!?

Alexander Micek

What other post?! I never saw anything of the sort, I swear it. Can you remember what it said? It may have appeared to post, yet did not. Was it on this Conan tie thing? What’s the deal, Dan?!

Dan McKeown

Yeah, I remember it well because it was about sacrificing an albino koala bear at the start of each month to ensure quality guests for the program. There was more but the moment has passed.

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