
Things we did this year

Mykala and I made a quick list of things we did in 2009. Here are my notes from our conversation:


Got married
Went to Hawaii
Survived 5 semesters of school (combined)
Moved in together
First married Christmas
Bought a real tree
Attended a cat funeral

I really liked 2009. 2010 has been good so far.

3 comments left


Dan McKeown

Please tell me that the cat funeral was not for the “most handsome cat ever.”


No! George is alive and well. Our landlady’s 19 year-old cat died, and he was very well-known and well-loved in the neighborhood. It was a complete memorial service: bagpipes, readings, champagne and fireworks. I leaned over to Alex in the middle of it all and said “I hope my funeral is this nice.”

Sounds a little weird if you weren’t there, but it was really quite a touching experience.

Alexander Micek

George is currently trying to interrupt my studies by mewling incessantly and pacing about the living room. Or, he’s trying to tell me he’s hungry. Either way, he’s very much alive. And hungry. (He eats in one hour.)

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