
Dr. Katz

From my course eval of Dr. Katz’s Physiology course:

Perhaps I will have instructors who rival Dr. Katz’s wit, knowledge, and personality, but I sincerely doubt I will have the privilege of learning from another professor who is capable of teaching as well as he is. Initially, I couldn’t figure out why physiology came so easily in this course, and then I realized it was because Dr. Katz was teaching the material not presenting it. Normally, I spend my days watching endless parades of powerpoint slides — I am talked at over the slides and then expected to regurgitate the information through rote memory. Some of my peers have expressed a preference for this type of classroom experience, but it drives me crazy. Actually learning and understanding material (as I did due to Dr. Katz’s lectures) made the topics more interesting, relevant, and memorable. Everything Dr. Katz did, from his jokes to his illustrations, was done with one purpose — so his students could learn.

Thanks, Dr. Katz.

4 comments left


Dan McKeown

So, he wrote that eval of himself?

Alexander Micek

lol, no I wrote that eval of him. Klar?


Katz better have given you an A with several pluses for that glowing review!

Alexander Micek

Haha, naw they’re anonymous. Required, actually — school won’t give us our grades until we give them reviews.

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