
Germany Olympics

Jason Kottke’s twitter stream:

Seen in a torch protest sign: “Would we have allowed Nazi Germany to host the Olympics?” Ummm….

Terrifying ignorance! Anybody remember 1936? Anyone? Bueller?

4 comments left



I remember recently reading an article about the widespread trend of calling a person you don’t like “Hitler,” and a group of people you don’t like “Nazis.” I forget what the author’s point was, but there does seem to be a certain tackiness to the trend.

Nils +1

I recently learned that the Olympic torch-bearing procession was first began in the 1936 Olympics. Interesting that we carry on a tradition started by one of the most hated governments in history. Personally, I think it’s a cool tradition regardless of who or where it began. Thanks, Nazis.


I have been to the Olympic Stadium in Germany, and there is this gigantic bell there that has a swastika on it but one part of it is blacked out so you “can’t tell” what it really is. You obviously know it was a swastika. I would attach a picture of it if I knew how…


I was at the Olympic Stadium in Munich, is that the same one you were at? I’m pretty sure the ‘72 Olympics used a new stadium because it looked very modern, well, for the ’70s anyways.

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