
Wi-Fi Safety

Common sense and a little physics seem to show that the radio waves from Wi-Fi internet connections (non-ionising as they are) are nothing to be concerned about:

A typical UK resident receives far more radiation from analogue radio broadcasts than they do from Wi-Fi. Radio broadcasts have operated in the UK for almost 85 years, so if we’ve not heard of any long term negative health effects caused by radio waves so far, it’s unlikely that we will do in the future.

I have a hard time thinking cell phone waves are anything other than harmless, as well. Remember, not all radiation is created equal — so don’t let people try to confuse you by conflating radiation from one source with something like radiation from the sun, or a microwave.

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I beg to differ. Cell Phones are detrimental to my daily health.

They cause my speakers to go wonky. :-( It hurts deep. Real deep.

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