
Life Angles

Bear with me on this: (kottke.org) is, apparently, the most popular post on kottke. It’s not actually written by Jason Kottke. I didn’t understand it when I first read it, almost exactly 8 years ago. Today, I think it makes sense.

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Yeah, that was a very well written post. I think, however, that any point you have children your entire life will take on a new meaning and for most people all that came before won’t matter any more. That’s probably how all good parents feel. But if he was higher on his E2 path, he could be a better person, more adventurous, more successful, and STILL have a wonderful child of his own. So, the E2 path is still better. Hmm, maybe it’s like adding 100 to infinity: once you’re at infinity (have children) adding any extra numbers or pleasures onto it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still at infinity and are still as happy as you could ever be. Or maybe it’s that once you have children and your life becomes devoted to them, any other possible course your life could have taken is irrelevant and doesn’t matter. Or maybe thinking of life with children is a little too much for me right now.

Nonetheless, I think we’re always looking for the next bigger and better thing; accomplishing one goal leaves us looking towards the next. And there is always a next.

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