
YouTube Comments

Thank goodness, YouTube has finally added comment ratings; set the threshold to “great (+10 or more),” and bask in the pleasure of not being assaulted by the fallout from illiterate morons writing the first thing that pops into their heads.

I will reiterate my thoughts posted on another website: “Has anyone read the comments on YouTube? I’ve never seen a more putrid cesspool of thoughtless idiocy.”

3 comments left


Louije +1

As seen on :

“Fun game: try to post a YouTube comment so stupid that people realize you must be joking. (Hint: this is impossible)”


(Sorry : source for previous quote was <xkcd.com/301> )

Alexander Micek

Haha, I enjoy the premise of that game. Also, sorry about the HTML filtering, but thanks for posting the link!

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