
Mr. and Mrs. Prestegord

Dear Matt and Shayla,

I write to you both during a very exciting time: you two may not get a chance to read this missive until you return from your honeymoon to Hawaii, or even until you are moved in to your new home in Iowa… or perhaps, not until after you each complete your first semester of vet school. So many big changes! The entire thing hit me when I was standing at the back of the banquet hall at your reception: you two, just married, walked in for the first time, wearing the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen. It may sound cliche, but there’s no other way to describe it: suddenly, the years past came rushing back, and I swayed a bit, surprised at it all — the magnitude of this most auspicious day. I can only imagine what you two were feeling and experiencing: it must have been orders of magnitude greater.

I’d like to say that I didn’t quite express how happy I was for you both at the reception this past Saturday. I got up to speak, and I knew what I wanted to say, and yet suddenly the gravity of the situation hit me. You see, I’m very used to speaking in situations where I have little emotional attachment to what I am speaking about. It was wonderful (and scary) to speak of and to honor two people so near to my heart. Regardless, I would like to share something from the reception that stuck with me:

The dollar dance was winding down, and Matt found himself partner-less, looking out over the crowd who were watching the dances. A minute or two went by, and Shayla danced with her last pardner. As she walked toward Matt across the floor, he reached out his arms and pulled her to him — it was a simple gesture, but one so full of love, I couldn’t help but smile. I know you two will go through life this way, pulling one another close and savoring the love, friendship, and happiness you share.

Here’s wishing you two many wonderful years ahead.

Most sincerely,

P.S. Have a blast in Hawaii!

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We love you Alex. Thank you so much for being a part of that day and for being a part of our lives. You are so genuine a friend. Please, please don’t forget about us. Maybe join in on a road trip with Kellie and John? Iowa is a fascinating state!

You’re a true friend, Alex. Thank you.

Alexander Micek

I hope to visit you guys, too! I also hope your move went well. I’ll talk to John and Kellie about when they are striking down south to Iowa.

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