
Internet Fuckwad

This Penny Arcade comic is something I’ve been searching for for a while (how do I get that double “for” out of that sentence?). Anyhow, it summarizes how internet commenting boards make people into completely offensive, babbling retards. It’s completely true.

4 comments left


Mykala +1

How about: I’ve been searching for this Penny Arcade comic for a while.

OR, if you haven’t literally been searching for that particular comic: I have been searching for something like this Penny Arcade comic for a while.

Yes? At any rate, I think it’s hilarious.

Richard Roche +1

double words are something i’ve been intentionally shooting for for fun these days.

Nils +2

I thought I had had enough of double words, but it turns out that that is exactly what I was looking for for some laughs and giggles. What what!

Alexander Micek

This is so so interesting. Thanks, folks. As for double wording, I’ve found that that can be difficult to do intentionally.

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