


Lens at 21mm, ISO 100, ƒ/5.6, 1/100s
Snapped Jul 4, 2007 at 6:24pm

2 comments left


Dan McKeown

Alex, I have a severe problem with my Tumbledry experience. I am not alerted to new pictures when I first log on! It will say there is only one new picture when clearly there are about 12,000 new ones that I then have to discover later, like this one.

Also, that girl’s hair is pink.

Alexander Micek

I can address both of your concerns, Dan! First, you may be able to tell by the striking resemblance; that is Mykala’s sister, Kourtni.

Secondly, I apologize for your difficulties with tumbledry. I posted the pictures you are seeing into the past - I had gotten behind on my one picture a day goal. So just like I sometimes post pictures into the future, this time I posted them into the past.

So, your “last visited” time was ahead of the “posted” time of the pictures. Hopefully, this won’t happen again for a while!