
Tulsa time capsule

Tulsa time capsule - In 1957, folks in Tulsa, Oklahoma put together a time capsule to be opened 50 years later. That works out to 9 days from now that it will be opened. Thing is, they took an entire, brand new gold 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe and stuck it underground. Will the car be rusted? Will it have survived? We will find out soon. Oh, and here’s the best part:

Time to see if the car survived 50 years underground.

As part of the “Tulsarama!” festivities, citizens of Tulsa were asked to guess what the population of Tulsa would be in the year 2007. The guesses were then recorded on microfilm and sealed in a steel container buried with the car. When the car and artifacts are excavated, the person whose guess is closest to Tulsa’s 2007 population is to be awarded the Belvedere.

3 comments left


Dan McKeown

Will the event be televised? Also, what happens if the person closest to the population estimate is dead?

Alexander Micek

They get an extra nice tombstone? Maybe it stays in the family. Hard to say.


The unearthing will be televised locally and I’m sure it will get at least a mention on cable news. According to the official website, if the winner has passed the car will go to the closest surviving family member. Could be interesting figuring that one out — if the family even wants it. However, there are a few other goodies that might make it worthwhile. They are hoping the car can be started and driven off as soon as it is out of the vault. I have my doubts that. That particular Plymouth was not know to hold up well even under the best of conditions.

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