
Toilet seats down: a scientific and humorous analysis

Toilet seats down: a scientific and humorous analysis - It turns out that game theory, specifically Nash equilibrium, can be employed to analyze the situation of the toilet seat being left up or down. The author here, building on previous examinations (which were published in peer reviewed publications), addresses the “costs of yelling.” That is, when anger is directed by a woman against a man who has not left the seat in the correct position.

Discussion and conclusions
For “mankind”, the analysis in this paper has the following appeal: Once again, it has been found that the social norm of leaving the toilet seat down is inefficient; hence, “mankind” may feel vindicated.

For “womankind”, the analysis in this paper is appealing for the following reason: It has been shown that the social norm of leaving the seat down is a trembling-hand perfect equilibrium. Hence, this norm is not likely to go away, at least in the near future.

Finally, I thought the title of publication responsible for this was funny: “The Science Creative Quaterly—in which, with respect to our name, we are as confused as you are.” (via df)

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I put the toilet seat down after use every time. Why? It looks nice. It’s aesthetically pleasing. And because that’s just how it works. Why do we close cabinet doors, put books on shelves, and clothes in drawers? Because that’s the way you do things. It’s just how it is. Everything has its’ place, and the toilet seat’s place is down after use. The end.

Alexander Micek

Here’s what I wonder: what about the cover? Not just the seat? I always put them both down. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but you don’t lose stuff down the toilet, like watches, rings, or cats.

Dan McKeown +1

I do the same thing Alex, only for a different reason. I think that if I have to mess with putting a seat up and down everytime I do not have the fortune of using a urinal then women should have to do the same. I guess it is just my way of trying to keep things equal. Plus, then you get to use great seat covers that everyone can enjoy.

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