
One button dorm party

One button dorm party - Utilizing their MIDAS (Multifunction In-Dorm Automation System), these two MIT kids have built an awesome party system into their dorm room.

Try the video captioned “a reenactment of a typical Thursday night party.”

3 comments left



Just how much extra time do MIT students have on their hands to put something like this together? They should have called their system the NERD system: it's the Neurotic Extra-Retarded and really Dumb system. Actually, I did enjoy the system but the work that must have gone into that makes the personal enjoyability factor go waaaay down. In the words of Matthew Gamble: Nerd alert, nerd alert, woooooOOOOOOOoooooo!!

Alexander Micek

Nils, I dreamt that you came home and for some reason I was walking around your basement. Your house looked really cool.

Umm … then the dream ended and I think I was dreaming about the DAT or something.

John T F Larson

Personally, I think most of the enjoyment of a system like that would be the designing and building. In fact, I could see myself doing something similar to that.

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