


Lens at 35mm, ISO 100, ƒ/4.5, 1/60s
Snapped Feb 15, 2006 at 10:30pm

6 comments left


Dan McKeown

Hahahaha, I look pissed


You're an angry drunk.


I wasn't going to be the one to say it, I'm glad you did Dan.


He's not angry, he's just prepping himself for the hard, dark, flavorful taste that his Guiness is about to give him. Mmmmm, Irish beer. Now all he needs is a shot of vodka and a shot of Baileys, drop them in the Guiness, and voila! Irish Car Bomb, one of my favorites. Anybody else a fan?

Alexander Micek

Actually, I don't know anything at all about mixed drinks. So, for that evening I googled "Irish drinks" (or something) so I actually knew what car bombs were when people were buying Dan's drinks. He had a few and I think they were a success.