

People are usually a little more talkative and relaxed in the weight room on Fridays, taking their workouts a little slower and shooting the breeze for a while. Some actually do not work out at all, but simply stand with their hand on a machine and talk nonsense. I looked like I was doing nothing, but I was actually between sets, and a guy walked up to me.

“Hey, what did you think of that test?”

“Yeah … I didn’t do as well as I wanted to on it.”

Funny thing was, I had no idea who this kid was. Furthermore, the fact that I hadn’t the foggiest notion of which one of my classes he was in didn’t matter, because that response applies to all three of the tests I have taken or gotten back this week. But I learned a lesson! Poor slash undesirable test performance greases the wheels of potentially embarassing social mechanics (the mechanism of this is unclear and the sample size is 1 … so take my conclusion lightly).

Thank you.

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