
Away Message

Away message @ 4:00pm, Today ::

I’m going to leave this online until I am certain that all people whose buddy list I am on have read this.

The world of AIM and online is a hugless, barren, and lonely place. If you want to do one something right now to improve your life, try this: close AIM, let email pile up, and turn off the computer. That’s all.

3 comments left


Doesn't work

Although for a brief while I enjoyed everything away from the computer, it was shortly followed by phone calls of people wondering why I didn't reply to thier urgent emails…

Of course, that doesn't beat the phone call that I got at 8:00 telling me the server was down. This of course would have lead to a loss of clients (if I would hold to the course suggested by the post) which would have lead to a loss of money, which ultimately would have lead to me moving to a warmer state to live on the streets.

And as much fun as that sounds, I just don't think Amber would go along for the ride. So I got back online and fixed what needed to be fixed.


Good idea Alex. I tried this once. I stayed off AIM for about 1 month until people started to think I had died or something.

Alexander Micek

Good thoughts guys, some items to ammend, perhaps:

1) Forget logging off the computer if your business is the computer. 2) Leave AIM logged on, but only come back from away once per day?

The computer may facilitate communication and information transfer, but golly it's a bear for time management.

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