
Movie: Jacket

Very artsy movie. Not horror-film esque really … there were horrible parts, but no jumpy scenes, and none of this ‘opening a door and getting attacked by something’ that I hate so much. Quick diversion from this movie: I can’t stand when I know the horror formula, but it still scares me. Sure, there’s going to be something in the next room, sure the slow walking and rising soundtrack strings indicate something bad approaching, but it still scares the heck out of me - I hate that. Anyway: this movie was not like that.

As some of the reviews noted, the movie is a fusion of a love story, sci-fi time travel, and thriller. The movie put itself together rather slowly, and the link to the war, to me, is still very tenuous. So, the core of the movie is a good intriguing plot, but some of the extra dongles hung around that plot distract from the focus. The movie is very reminiscient of The Butterfly Effect, and maintains the same death-grip on your thoughts. Once you fall into the pattern of the movie, the main characters’ ability to move about in time and bring bits of information from the future into his current time (with profound effect on those around him), you have to know how it ends. I think more could have been done to explain what was going on, why the doctors wanted to do what they did (more details would have made it more ‘believable’), but I can understand why that information might be considered extraneous to the plot development.

I especially liked the ending: for all the crazy and horrible things that happened throughout the movie, seeing what happened at the end made the movie worth watching.

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