
The Musicbox

Today, I would like to present two musical artists. First. I have only heard one song by Dave Barnes, and that is “On a Night Like This.” That said, it made me want to hear all of his album, Brother, Bring the Sun to soak in what he was selling. Sure, Barnes might be “just another” in the batch of acoustic crooners we are inundated with these days (lead, it would seem, by John Mayer). However, his ‘sound’ is really quite pleasant (from the 1:59 of it that I have heard), and would be lovely to have around for these coming crisp Autumn days that beg for wandering acoustic backdrops. Unfortunately, my money that was going to buy this has recently found another outlet. Read on.

Death Cab for Cutie is way more than I realized when I played it the 5th time … or the 88th. You see, the melodies the band crafts can get stuck in your head. Indeed, this stuck-in effect is amplified on the side project “The Postal Service” everyone has been yabbering about. But the great melodies are, literally, only the beginning. The lyrics are utterly poetic and saturated with meaning; all neatly tied together by the lead vocalist Ben Gibbard. His voice blends with the unique (and seriously, let me stress unique) sound of the band better than any pop-music producer could blend high production values in with the Kelly Clarksons of today’s music. This is a sound that has been played, refined, and polished through real soul-searching musicianship. That’s not to say Death Cab’s newest album, Plans is without some ‘poppiness’. From what I have heard, it has some serious mainstream airplay potential. Unfortunately, I have only experienced iTune’s 30 second soundbites. Therefore, it is now time to spend my $10 to Best Buy, and go out and make my first music album purchase in over two years.

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Ok, Alex. I don't know if you are into downloading music still, but if you are, you should highly consider looking into M83. Their sound is right up your alley: highly synthesized, multi-layered, cathcy melodies that really grab your attention. They have only two albums out to date right now, but they are very new still (first album in 2003 or 2004). Look into them, download them, or buy them. I am pretty sure you won't be let down.

P.S Death Cab's new song Where Soul Meets Body is awesome. Also look into the band Doves. Song "Snowden" is sure to awe you.

Alexander Micek

Nils, I remember you calling out Keane before anyone had heard of them, so I highly trust your band finding ability. That said, our, er, "music sharing" abiilty is slightly crippled on campus, but I will do my best to source these albums from wherever I can. Thanks!

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