
Katy’s Ailments

It has been just over one week since Katy’s clothes started fire and caused her first, second, and perhaps third degree burns across her right torso. When I first got the voicemail, all I could say was “she doesn’t need this …” Obviously, nobody does, but I wonder why an event like this would have to occur during her adjustment to graduate school. Nevertheless, Katy is very very tough and I know she’ll pull through just fine. I do not think I would do a very good job changing the bandages that have to be rewrapped daily. Perhaps it is best told in a few of her own words:

I was making myself tea on Wednesday morning on the stove and accidently caught my pajama top on fire when I leaned over the stove burner. (It’s an electric burner, and I had turned it off, so it wasn’t that I just leaned into a burning flame.) The shirt was 100% cotton, so it burned quickly and cleanly (hardly any smoke), and I did manage to get it off of me relatively quickly. My roommate, Christine, was there for the whole incident. She made sure the fire was out and called the paramedics while I took a cold shower. Between the two of us, we managed to get things under control.

Unfortunately, I have first and second degree burns, about the size of a sheet of paper, on my right torso, from my waist up to my chest. As it heals, it is becoming more and more painful. Consequently, I have been on a steady diet of heavy narcotics. In addition, there are areas of the burn which look like they may be third degree, but the doctor cannot tell yet. I had a follow-up appointment with the doctor today, and he said we are going to see how well the burn heals by itself, and, come October 6 (2 weeks out from the incident), the doctor will have a look at it again. If the wound hasn’t healed by then, a skin graft may be necessary.

We are hoping against hope that a skin graft will not be necessary. One can sometimes choose the site for donor skin for skin grafts; I hope there will be an alternative to Katy having to shave her head for a graft, if it comes to that. I have to thank all of you out there for your prayers and support, I really believe they help. I will keep you all posted.

On my visit home this past Monday, my Dad showed me the most expensive book I have ever seen. Six thousand five hundred dollars. Normally, it sells for about thirteen thousand dollars, but this one was a little outdated. Contained within its pages is a specialized market study of specific types of adhesives. He plans on using about 300 of it’s 1200 odd pages, wihch puts the price per page viewed at about 21 dollars. Dull, I know, but do you expect us to have some 12th century illuminated bible lying around? Nevertheless, I was impressed, and don’t think the record for most expensive book I have seen will be topped soon.

**UPDATE :: **Mailbag (from Tom, to Katy):

So sorry to hear about your accident. You will be in prayers. If you need anything (I am unsure whether I can do something for you from Memphis). But if you need a tacky lamp, or some leopard print pants, or a half Jesus, half Elvis thing, I’m sure I could scrounge it up for you.

Ahh, Memphis.

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