Fragmented, Catching Up
I would have a hard time saying things could get much better right now. Of course, not all is right, but enough is to merit the previous assertion. My biochem major, if a bit packed in certain semesters - will work in a total of four years. Dental school, here I come (three years from now). Watch out world. Hold on to your teeth.
St. Thomas does not like to keep classes that are too small open. Therefore, I will be booted from my current Psych 111 and told to find a new class. I will be behind in whatever class I find as a replacement. This frustrates me.
It has been too long since I updated. I know I surveyed everyone regarding if I should put up the paper journal update that is lying around (received 5 votes in favor and non against) — I am going to wait on posting that as it is rather personal. Expect more regular updates.
My room has some fine new blinds which glide very very smoothly. My windows are set into the roof, so the slanted angle means blinds must have guide wires on them. Thankfully, the new wires are coated in smooth plastic and facilitate a previously unthinkable level of blind usability. Therefore, my new window coverings are very white and clean. This excites me.
I got a TV card. For those of you with a P4 Hyperthreading Processor and Windows XP, do note that the ATI TV Wonder with Remote is incompatible with Hyperthreading. Microsoft acknowledges this problem here: This, however, is not very helpful because the fix is not actually available from that website. I did not wish to pay the thirty (30) dollars that Microsoft charges for tech support to obtain the patch, so I turned to Google. This yielded this site: fixing the ATI incompatibility, which outlines the method to find the patch. I did what it said (looked up “tunerfix.exe” in Google) and found what I needed quite quickly. Do ensure your patch file is digitally signed, however. Run it, and hopefully things will be fixed (as they were for me). Anyhow, the remote (review here), works smoothly (same adjective used for my blinds, but in this instance means a simple, efficient manner rather than a physical description of the level of resistance). Now, I can watch movies on RHBO.
Lately, I have been finding many lucky pennies. I hope this means I am actually lucky and the things I attempt will be simple and turn out right. I like the feeling of finding change, but I like the feeling of tossing it into a fountain even more. I need to find a good wishing well; the Mississippi is one of my options.
Down by the River
Mykala and I strolled down to the river a few nights ago, and were promptly verbally showered with the disgust of a local resident who found a lot of trash on the shore. Obviously, this is harmful to the environment and detracts from everyone’s enjoyment of the scenic lookout. The same can be said of the woman.
Piano Music
A song is being written in A right now. It is evolving and changing, and I do not think I have nailed down any one part of it, except maybe a bridge progression. Words are flowing, melody is lagging behind. I know they will come together if I am patient. I want to record another album within the year.
Personal Life
So, there’s this girl. Her name is Mykala. She has a distinct tendency to make me smile, make me laugh, and lend me perspective. When around her, I have the distinct ability to babble incoherently and overanalyze what I say to her. In the interest of avoiding the latter, I will bite my proverbial tongue for the time being.
UST Life
My old RA, Sagert, has a livejournal: read. Also, he got me one of the circa 2002, hip, stylish card holders-with-mirror-inside things for my card and key. These are an order of magnitude better than the thin, cheap fold-out card holders which are the standard issue at the University the past two years.
Your regularly scheduled tumbledry hopes to reappear in the following days, perhaps for another episode of Food at the Binz (I think we are up to 3 or 4 by now).