
86F in the Shade

I made the worst bowl of oatmeal this morning. It might have been that I ran out of milk and had to switch to water during the preparation stage. It might have been it was in the microwave too long. It might have been the mega high viscosity. Either way, this oatmeal was like concrete. When your oatmeal is like concrete, it’s simply not appetizing. When I restock my oatmeal-making foodstuffs, I will try again and generate The Best Bowl of Oatmeal; the oatmeal I remember from Sundays at home.

In my Into to Engineering class, Prof. Jalkio brought up something very encouraging: pre-dental undergrads are not just majoring in Bio anymore; Mechanical Engineering is a very real possibility for this track. I hope that I can make Electrical Engineering work with the pre-dental track as well. Tomorrow I have a 7:00AM meeting with my advisor, so I need to remind myself “Alex, go to bed early tonight.” There are so many things to do but it’s all so much fun! I would never use the phrase “stressed out” to describe me; things are simply going too well. I even did some public service by doing some tech support last night.

Learning to ride the bus. I think I’ll get a SuperSaver stored value card. It’s a buck 75 for this trip that i’m looking at. Times two, that’s $3.50 … so if that price is worth my time on the weekend (let’s say I’m really busy and gotta get down there quick), then I’m going to go with it. Bus riding will have to take place in bad weather too. So, it will be at most once per week. Assuming 7 months total, that’s 28 times 3.50 so that’s $98 even! Looks like the busses leave about 2 times per hour. Just gotta figure out the changing routes. Awesome.

This is not my speed, but I think it’s rather funny.

I need to do more English writing, I actually questioned: if you write “i’m” in a sentence if the “i” is capitalized or not. I think it’s not. Good lord where have my writing skills gone? I think I left all of my eloquent phrases at home in dusty love letters. The skills will be broken out again soon.

Glorious Jesus, my Lord! Oh, how glorious you are!
Blinded by fear and doubt
Because of my sins,
a thousand times a day I fall.
Each time you open my eyes, O Jesus,
each time you touch my tongue
Send your Holy Spirit to me now
as you sent him to your apostles.

I am off to email many people about a wide variety of things. I have errands about a wide variety of things. Isn’t it interesting that when we expand our horizons, we expand our contacts and our paperwork? I look forward to getting into a routine that doesn’t include bunches of superfluous freshman activities.

Finally, I noticed we’re getting a lot more traffic here at tumbledry. Please, tell your friends and spread the word! I like talking to the anonymous public.

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