
Snow Water

Snow Water

Didn’t quite get the focus I was looking for, but these droplets looked neat against the snowy backdrop.

Suspended Above Water

Question of the day: how was this photo taken? The guy is suspended so far above the water, so high up. Someone guessed a trampoline… I’m thinking that’s the simplest explanation, but perhaps they found a way to catapult him off the back of a boat while it was moving, then as they drove away they took the picture.

Tree Roots

Tree Roots

From My Nikes

From My Nikes

Rain Luminosity

Rain Luminosity

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Backlit by a cell phone.

Indoor Fountains

Indoor Fountains

Jets shot water up to two stories straight up. Very fun to watch.

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Chicago Water Tower Close-Up

Chicago Water Tower Close-Up

Framed by skyscrapers.

Chicago Water Tower

Chicago Water Tower

The Chicago Water Tower looks pretty amazing, its baroque style set in the midst of a bustling, modern city.

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Waimea River, Falls

Waimea River, Falls

The cat that loves water

The cat that loves water - Turkish Vans are a breed of cats that love water. What’s more: “Vans can easily hit the top of a refrigerator from a cold start on the floor.”



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Twilight Fountains

Twilight Fountains

Water Droplet

Water Droplet

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Tamarack Fountains

Tamarack Fountains

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One of my favorite pictures ever

One of my favorite pictures ever - Perfect composition, execution, artistic vision, and so on.

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I was thinking I would state what this post is all about “right out” at the beginning of this post, but then I realized it would be better to get as much fun out of this as possible, leading you guys down the dramatic pathway of blog posting. (Well, dramatic pathway/trail/byway/highway/beltway is a bit of a stretch seeing as this blog never has been all that dramatic in the first place. It would be rather presumptuous of me to suddenly assume my mediocre writing could elicit the emotion of drama in your collective hearts. Work with me here.) I’ve also been thinking how to best phrase this post, because the subject dealt with here is a rather sensitive one. I’ll try to walk the line here and make this work.


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Make cool shapes in water

Make cool shapes in water - Frighteningly simple, yet sophisticated enough fluid dynamics to make it into the news on Nature, publisher of the prestigious primary source.

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