
Future Faxes

The keynote presentation of Apple’s forthcoming iPhone has a great clip from NBC’s The Office:

I don’t have a ton of contact with the Scranton Branch, but, before I left, I took a box of Dwight’s stationary. So, from time to time, I send Dwight faxes. From himself.

From the future.


At 8am today, someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee.
More instructions will follow.

Future Dwight

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Fraction Rap

Fraction Rap - They’re rapping about fractions! Square One TV! Thanks, Katy.

Happiness: Simultaneously Concrete and Ethereal

Mykala directed me to some information that she saw on a recent Oprah show about happiness called “How Happy are You?” She had some good quotes from it.

We have beliefs about ourselves and our lives, and our perception gathers evidence in support of these beliefs. If you believe that your life isn’t satisfying or that you are a failure, you will look around for ways that this is true. If you believe that life is fulfilling and you are a worthy and significant person, you’ll find evidence to prove this case.


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Golf Screen Shot

Golf Screen Shot

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Colbert Report’s hilarious take on the AT&T merger

Colbert Report’s hilarious take on the AT&T merger - The accompanying diagram is great.

Bravo, Bravia

Bravo, Bravia

Genius opening skit

Genius opening skit - Goodness this is brilliant. As a fan of House, I especially like Hugh Laurie’s cameo in the skit.

Best line: “No, I did not have Conan O’Brien fall through the ceiling.”

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Conan O’Brien Sings “Trouble”

Conan O’Brien Sings “Trouble” - With a capital T and that rhymes with G as in “gee we’re screwed.”


I suddenly began humming and whistling “New York, New York” in biochem lab today, which in and of itself is not all that interesting (and a bit embarassing, as I am embarassed by most things that I do). However, when I got back to my room - amazingly - there were round-trip plane tickets to New York slid under my door! No, no there were not. That was a lie. A fib. A stretcher. In truth, I returned to my dorm room and promptly looked up the lyrics to said song.


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A great interview with Conan O’Brien

A great interview with Conan O’Brien - It’s a two-parter, with the second avaliable here.

ChocoStix Commercial

ChocoStix Commercial - The inside tastes just like an Oreo!

Taco Town - “it gets even awesomer”

Taco Town - “it gets even awesomer” - I may have linked this great SNL skit before, but this merits a re-link. The blueberry pancake is one of the best parts.

Agitatin’ Dots

Agitatin’ Dots - Whoever thought this up: thank you. Can’t beat deadpan corporate comedy.

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Oh My, A TV

Oh My, A TV

Still our primary TV after all these years (over 20).

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3-Year-Old’s Birthday Party Theme: ‘NewsHour’

3-Year-Old’s Birthday Party Theme: ‘NewsHour’ - That is the funniest birthday cake I have ever seen. Via TMN.

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Will Ferrell as the devil

Will Ferrell as the devil - I said the GUITAR is out of TUNE!

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Movie: Over the Hedge

Over the Hedge has a scene in it that made me cry tears of laughter. I was absolutely in stitches during it. Thing is, my favorite scene is not my usual physical comedy (of which the movie is chock full of brilliant set-ups and take-downs), but a brilliant twist on an idea. I’ve already told Matt, Steve, John, Erin, and Dan what this scene is … and I fear I may have ruined its impact in doing so. SO, here we go … if you (1) forgot which scene I said was my favorite or (2) never heard which scene it was in the first place, and (3) have seen the movie … do try and guess which scene I am talking about. I’ll be sure to leave a comment about it after more of you have had the chance to see the movie. And see the movie you will. I rather mistakenly said “if you do not see the movie, I will take you and pay for you to see it.” Some threat.


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Things I Have Seen

A massive audience welcomes Conan O'Brien to Chicago. Come to Minneapolis, Conan!

And now, tumbledry presents things I have seen in the past couple of days. Thing 1: I saw Conan O’Brien doing his opening show of the week in Chicago. The audience was huge and almost out of control. It was like a rock concert sometimes. Mr. T gave Conan a tour of the city and other hijinks ensued. Late Night is such great television. I watched the show for longer than I had intended to, but the time was well spent. You may ask the question “why does a show go on the road” but I would counter with … why not?


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The Full World News Tonight Theme Song

The Full World News Tonight Theme Song - “Awesomely funky” to describe a news theme song. This is such a crazy download.

Quality Reporting

Don’t get me wrong, I do like WCCO Channel 4 News. It is the number one rated newscast in the Twin Cities, as it well should be. Consider one of its competitors, Fox 9 news, which has reported on (and aired “teaser” portions promoting) such life-changing issues as school bus drivers not showing up to work, rusty fire hydrants, and what your pets do when you leave the house. The pets piece was actually advertised on the radio the day that ground-breaking investigative masterpiece aired. Oh, and if you are wondering how Fox 9 cracked the mystery of what pets do: hidden cameras. Wow.


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