You are viewing stuff tagged with studying.
You are viewing stuff tagged with studying.
I’m 96% done with the 1440 NDBE Part II study cards I assigned myself in August. I’ve scheduled exam on October 10 and 11. I feel nervous — I think I’m on schedule, but I don’t know for sure. I’ve typed up almost 2000 digital flashcards into the Anki system. By transferring the information from the study cards to electronic cards, I can use the spaced-repetition algorithm to make my final weeks of studying extremely efficient. There is so much information: I feel I am trying to carry a gallon of water in my hands.
Keith Jarrett and neuroscience. Sympathetically innervated sweat glands are the exception when it comes to neurotransmitters — their transmitter is acetylcholine, but you would expect norepinephrine! Whoah!
It’s the Köln Concert.
The picture below is a stack of the materials I covered for 3 of my 7 classes this past fall semester. I read, generated, or memorized every single one of the pages below.
The power of imagination is such that, with a little willpower and a little practice, suddenly you’re floating out of lecture — onto a hot air balloon gently rising above Chambley, France… into the sunset.
REALLY, RADIOLOGY? REALLY? These notes are telling me about the UNATTENDED PARKING LOTS for occupancy factors?!
Nodding off in the library while reading operative dentistry is not such a bad thing. However, dreaming followed by waking up to some vocalization that you yourself are making is extremely not recommended. This technique does, however, earn you a row of study carrels free of people.