

You are viewing stuff tagged with snow.



First Snow

First Snow

Easter Snow

Easter Snow

I trust this will be one of our strangest Easters — the COVID-19 pandemic kept us apart from family and friends; but we could take a walk.

Big Playground Swing

If you don’t start playing at the playground as early as possible in the season, you won’t maximize your playground days!

Ess in the Cold

Ess in the Cold

Me and Ess Outside

Me and Ess Outside

Running in the Snow


This sled… did not work.

In the Snow

In the Snow

After Snowman Building

After Snowman Building

Essie Catching Snow

Playing in the Snow

Playing in the Snow



Snow Angels

Snow Piles

Snow Piles

First Time in Snowpants

Essie’s first time out with snowpants.


This morning I watched big big snowflakes fall down outside my office window, then float up when they came close to the building, then fall down again. I walked the skyways to the bank and stood over South 8th Street, watching the same thing, transfixed. I wasn’t fixated on avoiding any thoughts or solving any problems. I had no breakthroughs about my life. But I thought I wouldn’t mind sharing peace like this with my daughter.


“No!” Essie said with an upward lilt in her inflection, meaning she was saying her word for snow, that she saw it falling and wanted to tell me the huge flakes were settling on her face, transforming into tiny little water droplets as the warmth of her skin transformed them.


Hey Ess,

It was your first snow today. You aren’t really at that point where you can go outside and romp in it, but your mom told you all about it. I think you sense the way the light bounces around outside is different these days, and I think it means something to your growing consciousness.


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Stitched Spring Snow

Stitched Spring Snow
