
Christmas Baking

Christmas Baking



Hard to get Ess to take a non-silly photo sometimes.

The Night Before Christmas

Essie recites The Night Before Christmas based on her memory of our reading it to her.

Christmas Party 2018

Christmas Party 2018

Heading out for the office Christmas party.

Naturally Dyed Christmas

Naturally Dyed Christmas

Mykala brought her Naturally Dyed Goods to the Christmas market in Saint Anthony Park. Mykala had been working on them for some time at that point, developing her color palate, making local connections, and this was one of her first opportunities to get her stuff in front of other people. She met some great people, sold some items, and Ess and I visited her. Then, Ess threw an enormous tantrum on the way home because she was so confused about why we would leave and Mykala didn’t come with us right away. After about 45 minutes, Ess finally calmed down. I think you can see the tantrum coming on in this picture. We all survived.

Christmas Tree #2

Christmas Tree #2

Christmas Tree #3

Christmas Tree #3

Christmas Tree #1

Christmas Tree #1

Halloween Family

Halloween Family

This was Essie’s first Halloween out trick-or-treating. She’s dressed as the conductor from Dinosaur Train and she was so so excited. This was one of those nights you’ll never forget.

Monster Mash

Monster Mash

This is Mykala’s traditional Halloween dish. “I will make it every Halloween, forever.” says Mykala. Yep.

Fixing Mama’s Foot

Ess was convinced that Band-Aids repaired all injuries. Her tending to Mykala here is so very sweet.

Interstate Backpacking 2

Interstate Backpacking 2

Apple Picking

Apple Picking

Prairie Burn Festival #2

Prairie Burn Festival #2



That’s Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie dePaola.

Bones & Skin & Brain

Via Mykala, this morning:

“Mama, is ‘stupendous’ another way to say ‘excellent’?”
YES. Who taught you that?”
“Nobody. Me. I taught myself. I just taught my bones and my skin and my brain.”

That is stupendous.

At Nils’ Wedding

At Nils’ Wedding

Safety Mykala

Safety Mykala


Ess is negotiating with a tickle-banana brandished by her mama.

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Flying a Kite

Flying a Kite

Compare to last year’s picture of summer kite-flying. How Ess has grown in just a year!
