
Mykala, Esmé, Marge

Mykala, Esmé, Marge

Mother’s Day

Next year, I bet Ess will say it without any prompting.

Heading Out

Heading Out

Now that is one impressive accidental color-coordination. Highly visible, very safe: I approve!

Rock Painting

Mykala and Ess are a great painting team. I love this exchange:
“Here you go rock, there you go rock, gonna paint you rock. Rock live on paint. Paint live on rock. The rock cannot see you.”
“No? Why?”
“‘Cause the rock is hiding in the paint!”

Front Seat

Front Seat


“Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Dada…” is what I heard Ess singing in her pack and play on the morning of my birthday. She and Mykala sang it again later that day, and we drew with chalk on the sidewalk. Mykala baked a yellow cake (one of my favorites), and frosted a birthday greeting on the top of it. I visited my parents, and the sun was out for the first time in a few days. I tripled my age and got 96; I looked back and realized I started at my current job when I was only 27, and that Ess was born when I was 29. I recalled looking at my official birthday certificate when I was in college, and seeing my mom’s age at my birth: 29.


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Fooba Nane

It turns out that if you play the 1999 hit song “Say My Name” by Destiny’s Child to Ess while driving in the car, she’ll listen to it, and then ask you to play “Fooba Nane” again please. Then she’ll listen to it a few times in a row, and when the chorus says “Say ‘baby I love you’” she’ll go “no I LOVE YOU, Mama!” and it’ll become part of driving.


Blue at the Zoo

Blue at the Zoo

There was a giant aquarium in front of us, hence the blue cast.

Ess and Mykala

Ess and Mykala

Birthday Food

Birthday Food

Eating salted caramel coconut ice cream for Mykala’s birthday.

Picture of Mama

Picture of Mama

This one requires a little explanation. Mykala was out and I was home with Ess, and she needed a bath. But Ess insisted that this picture of Mama (made for a musical Mykala choreographed; we don’t just laminate pictures of ourselves around here) follow her around for her bath. So, the picture watched over Ess while she was in the tub, and came along while she got dried off and warmed up.

Todd Parr

“Todd!” Ess knows what Todd Parr’s books look like.




In which we decorate the tree and leave a deep hole in the floor by dropping a snowflake ornament (listen for it).

Halloween Portrait

Halloween Portrait

Mykala MADE these masks. MADE them. Ok, Esmé’s was store-bought, but the other three, she made. This seems to be a theme with my posts — check out what Mykala made (as Ess would say, with her one-two mama meow paws).

Ess: Katerina Kitty Cat
Mykala: Mama Meow
Dada: Dada Owl
Marge: Supporting Cat (Unnamed)



Mykala made these edible wonders for Halloween and they tasted delicious. The arms were grown in our garden! (Rosemary.)



Never used a selfie stick or worn a bow-tie. Two firsts in one wedding. Love you, Bun.



At the Jennifer Kling-Ryan Deisler wedding.

Trio Ready to Ride

Trio Ready to Ride

Serving Mama

Serving Mama

Ess showing her potholders to Mykala.
