

You are viewing stuff tagged with homefurnishings.

Giant furniture

Loved this quote from a NYTimes article “Furniture - The Big Get Bigger”:

McMansions, which still populate the suburbs like domestic mastodons.


Bugs, Money, & Water Bottles

I’m filing my own bug report for tumbledry here. Has anyone noticed that when you mouseover Dan’s comments, there’s a thing that says “A partial iron” instead of loading an image? Well, that’s not the intended behavior of the comment code - it’s a rounding error that should never have made it past bug testing. Nevertheless, here we are, months after I recoded the ranking system… and this ugly bug pops up. I’m working on a fix, and more pictures. So that’s good.


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Come In, Go Away Mat

Come In, Go Away Mat - Well now how about that. As you walk in, the mat looks like it says “Come In.” However, as you walk out, it reads “Go away.”

It’s called an ambigram.

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