

You are viewing stuff tagged with genevieve.


Eighteen years of serving this website over insecure HTTP are over: I installed a certificate for HTTPS, though I suppose the purpose is more not wanting to be left behind than any true need. I’ve read it could make the site go faster, and I’ve read it might make it go slower, too. I suppose both could be true.


Ess and Friends

Ess and Friends

Flying Genevieve

Flying Genevieve

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Desert Room, Spring Semester Approacheth

My owl by the name of Genevieve was once very white, but the fire sprinklers turned her a rather black/gray color. We have been cleaning her for the past couple of days but ran into problems. You see, we cleaned her tail on the surface, and then hung her upside down to dry. Unfortunately, spots appeared on her head which were a rather odd color of rust. She’s a snowy white owl, and since we figured she would like to stay that way, we cleaned a bit more, soaking her this time. She is now a vibrant shade of white, but looks as if she has just been born. I am sure once she is dry she will be as downy and soft as ever. You’re a trooper, Genevieve.


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