
Power Squid

Power Squid - Plug any number of bulky cords into this squid shaped thing. Genius.

Backpack that Charges Your Cell Phone

Backpack that Charges Your Cell Phone - This takes the up-and-down movement of the load in your backpack and translates it into up to 7 watts of electrical energy. This makes so much sense for college students and city dwellers.

Telling the World Where I Am

This coming junior year, my AIM away messages are going to be the epitome of efficient communication. Through an organized code, they will convey my whereabouts effectively, accurately, and without excess nonsense.

c = class
l = lab
wo = workout
f = dining
s = studying
z = sleeping
hi = socializing (human interaction)

X# = where # is the number of times the thing will occur
(#h), where # is a rough time estimate in hours [optional]


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Comedy Scene

Most people who know me quickly learn I am a great fan of physical comedy: the bus rolls through the camera view, a crash is heard from screen left. Minister of Silly Walks. That stuff makes me laugh. In a departure from that usual style, I would like to formally recommend the following scene be added to whatever Stiller/Wilson/Vaugn/Ferrel movie approacheth from Hollywood’s ever-predictable jukebox stuck on repeat.


Left Right Left

What if, everyday, people went outside and did something physical? I bet our workforce would be twice as productive if everyone slaving 9-5 could take a run on their afternoon break. Or even just run around. People’d be happier, healthier, able to cope with stress. Anti-depressant prescription rates would fall. Sleeping pills would drop off the market. Orthoscopic knee surgery rates would soar (or sore, as it were). Everyone’d be happier because they’d be healthier, and healthier because they were happier.


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While standing in an elevator does not exactly qualify as an environment condusive to scientific study, I did find out something interesting in one of my many trips up and down one particular elevator in our science buildings. Regardless, this little observation can be applied to any elevator you ever ride in, and I recommend it to stave off violent cases of Elevator Boredom (EB). See, everyone feels the acceleration and deceleration of an elevator moving in a shaft, but all one really senses is a slight increase in pressure on the bottom of one’s shoes. So, when you get the chance, give this a try.


Shuffle Phones

Mark my words. I will tell you one more time - mark my words, this is what will be coming out so very soon I can taste it. Now, I have heard no industry rumblings about this idea, but one thing I have been inspired by was a wonderfully funny Do-It-Yourself Oakley Thump using the iPod Shuffle. Consider this, the iPod Shuffle is unbelievably small and light (and yes, it is just a glorified USB flash drive … but stay with me here), so this allows it to be used in ways music players have not been used before. People need to think outside of their “box” here (to borrow a corporate clichÉ). You see, the music player no longer has to hook to your headphones via a long, cumbersome cable that twists and turns its way up through every piece of clothing you are wearing - no, the music player can be your headphones now. Before we get to that, I must share my favorite two comments from that DIY Oakley thread I mentioned above.


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