
Best OS X Third Party Software

Best OS X Third Party Software - What-a-list. I’ll be referring to this if I ever get a Mac.

iPod Sky

iPod Sky

Control iTunes with Global Hotkeys

Control iTunes with Global Hotkeys - The lack of global hotkeys is a massive hole in iTunes. It’s good to see a program like this fill it. Personally, I use iTunesKeys: both are still being updated frequently.

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Widescreen Wonder

Widescreen Wonder

Perfect for movies. I do not own this. Wish I did.

iPod Stand

iPod Stand - Having a hard time rationalizing this purchase … but it’s one of the most appealing iPod accessories I have seen in a while.

Apple iMac

Apple iMac

No no, thank YOU

The unbelievable folks at St. Thomas got together and got me a 200 dollar gift certificate to the Apple Store. I was absolutely blown away by this birthday gift (earlier in May), and jumped at the chance to get the music player that my ears have always dreamt of. They wrote:

We love you Alex - thanks so much fo all your help & for being so so great!! We know you really want/NEED an ipod - here’s a start! We all owe you our computer’s lives! Happy Birthday! - you are the BEST!

- Elise, Emily, Emily, Jordan, Kim, Dan, Ryan, & Tony


Shuffle Phones

Mark my words. I will tell you one more time - mark my words, this is what will be coming out so very soon I can taste it. Now, I have heard no industry rumblings about this idea, but one thing I have been inspired by was a wonderfully funny Do-It-Yourself Oakley Thump using the iPod Shuffle. Consider this, the iPod Shuffle is unbelievably small and light (and yes, it is just a glorified USB flash drive … but stay with me here), so this allows it to be used in ways music players have not been used before. People need to think outside of their “box” here (to borrow a corporate clichÉ). You see, the music player no longer has to hook to your headphones via a long, cumbersome cable that twists and turns its way up through every piece of clothing you are wearing - no, the music player can be your headphones now. Before we get to that, I must share my favorite two comments from that DIY Oakley thread I mentioned above.


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Insert Tab G5 into Slot A2

Wandering over to Airbag yielded a link that brought me to a lovely pattern for a paper cut-out project. The result was supposed to be a miniature Apple G5, complete with fold-away panel revealing the dual G5’s powering the little beast. I guess I didn’t know what I was in for.


Finn Brothers: Everyone Is Here; plus other see dees

This will be the first album recommendation I have made based on … almost no exposure to an album. This little disc, Everyone Is Here, has a single called “Won’t Give In,” which is available on iTunes as a part of a three-song download. Unfortunately, I do not have iTunes and do not have the time to grab it, so I am sitting here hoping Cities 97 will play this song again for New Music Monday. It was just one of those songs that grabbed me. Traveling 70 miles an hour eastbound on I94 with the windows open, some subtle nuance of the tune grabbed my eardrums and told them “this is something special.” Then again, I am suggesting you buy a compact disc based on 30 seconds of hearing bits and pieces of one song from it. This means either the song is so amazing that 30 seconds of it filtered through traffic causes melodic brain convulsions, or I am utterly misguided and should be doing better things during the driving task.
