

Almost forgot to mention: National Dental Board Examination, Part 1 = PASS! Honestly didn’t expect that one, since illness and burn-out severely curtailed my winter break studying efforts. Nevertheless, PASS it is. EXCELLENT! And since I’m not looking to specialize, I needn’t stress out about the score itself.

Mykala and I found out on Monday evening. She had just given me another ride from school (snow tires for the bike are sold out everywhere… while I can get through 4-6 inches of accumulation, it gets a bit unsafe…) and we stopped at the grocery store to pick up some things, because we never get to spend time together anymore. We just sort of see one another in passing. So, if errands together mean some time together, then errands it is (or, they are?).

We get back from the store, and Mykala grabs the mail from the box outside the door. The thought of results showing up passed fleetingly through my head, but I figure that not enough time has yet passed. Mykala leafs through the stacks of paper and absent-mindedly hands me envelope. She begins to walk away as I read the outside.

I flip the envelope toward her, asking “Did you read the envelope?”
Her eyes slowly widen, and we exchange a significant look.
“Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations?!”

I spent the next ten minutes trying to convince Mykala that it was a good idea for me to keep the envelope sealed until I finished my exams this week (the last one is Thursday… tomorrow… crap I should be studying pathology right now).

I failed to convince her of the validity of not opening it. So, I took the envelope with me upstairs, since Mykala offered to take a look at it first.

Instead of 3 days, my resolve lasts for 30 minutes: during a bathroom break from pharmacology, I realize that I’ll go crazy if I don’t open the thing.

Mykala and I celebrated the good news by ordering in some True Thai (she braved the snow to go get it).

Best Thai meal ever.

3 comments left


Sis Meech

IPOY, Bro Meech :)

Dan McKeown

Well done Alex (and Mykala)!


Never doubted it. Good job buddy.

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